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April 16th & 17th 2025

Apr 16 & 17 / 2025

LVCC, Las Vegas

Find out how storm® helps NHS 111 London provide rapid, cost-efficient, safe Integrated Urgent Care

 NHS 111 is a national service for providing rapid urgent care which does not constitute a 999 emergency. Across London, its busiest and most populated region, the service handles 32,000 urgent calls a week, 24/7, 365 days a year, successfully freeing up emergency services to cover 999 instances.

NHS 111 Health Advisors and Clinical Advisors must deliver fast, accurate information, ensuring they are sensitive to each individual’s requirements and providing further assistance where necessary. However, a lack of digital innovation was impacting patient experiences and outcomes. Amending this situation was a key initiative within the nationwide NHS ‘Personalised Health and Care 2020’ strategy.

The storm® team assisted NHS 111 London by helping develop the Patient Relationship Management (PRM) solution, securely integrating distinct medical and care information systems to automatically decide (based on factors such as frequency of repeat calling or medical history) how best to route interactions.

This has led to significant improvements in patient experience, through enabling a more direct routing to the most appropriate medical person. The real-time and historical reporting capabilities of storm also allow London’s NHS 111 team to easily spot any developing epidemics, as well as identifying geographical areas of the capital that are most affected.

  • NHS 111 London uses five call handling providers to handle non-emergency calls and nine data providers to store relevant patient records and details. The service is necessarily complex, with hundreds of pieces of information being rapidly fed between sources during interactions.

  • storm has integrated into eleven of these core providers (with a further three in development), allowing all incoming information to be immediately accessed in one secure, centralised digital location.

  • Deployed in 2 months, managing any concurrent level of demand.

  • Patients are now rapidly directed to the most appropriate healthcare professional first time, based on their medical records (which are linked to the patient’s caller line identification (CLI) and NHS number via storm).

  • As Clinical Advisors are automatically fed relevant patient information upon answering a call, patient waiting times are drastically decreased, enabling more patients to rapidly access tailored medical care.

  • 50%+ reduction in ambulance conveyance.

  • Callers aged 85+ with Special Patient Notes are 5 times more likely to have their call closed by 111

  • NHS 111 London has gained a whole view of healthcare across the capital through storm’s real-time and historical reporting capabilities. This ensures that unexpected symptom rises and geographical information regarding epidemics can be rapidly detected and acted upon.

storm delivers an amazing set of capabilities, which have transformed the way NHS 111 operates in London. We’re really excited to implement further capabilities through storm as we go forward, and the platform will be instrumental in realising our digitalization objectives. Most importantly, however, is that we’re able to substantially improve the experience of Londoners calling NHS 111 and the outcomes of our patients, ensuring that they get through to the care and support they need, when they need it, first time.”

Eileen Sutton

Head of Service Redesign & Innovation (Integrated Urgent Care), NHS London SHA


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