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Las Vegas Convention Center

April 24th & 25th 2024

Apr 24 & 25 / 2024

LVCC, Las Vegas

Sponsor Spotlight: Laivly

Laivly is an AI platform designed specifically for contact centers. Laivly equips agents with intelligent automations to create the best customer experiences on the planet. Laivly instantly surfaces information across all of your systems, helping agents better understand their customers and driving powerful value on the fly.

Laivly supercharges your entire contact center, not just your CRM. It also helps to Inject AI into any existing system, or layer automation across your whole tech stack. Streamline workflows, analyze customers on the fly, guide agents to outcomes, and reach resolutions.

A celebrated sponsor of the Call & Contact Center Expo, Laivly will be exhibiting as well at the Las Vegas Convention Center on March 16th & 17th 2022. This event is free for all to attend and guests can register here and we will see you there.